Irish relationships have changed over the past 50 years or so. In fact, on of the biggest changes in Irish society has been the improving role of women. More females are in the workforce and in professional positions. However, this has caused family dynamics to shift. Central conflict is now around household chores and finances. There are more choices, and more stresses. Even though the roles of women in society have been altered dramatically, it has not been the same for the male roles. Women have to juggle their careers on top of their home lives. Society was once focused on parenthood, but now women have two roles; mother and career woman. However, with more women working, men have not made an effort to take off of working to stay home with the kids. The working lives have changed as well for everyone, people are expected to work harder and for longer hours then ever before. Now, people are having fewer children, so they can try to spend time with them. Ireland likes the "traditional model" of a family, where a couple are both on their first marriage. Nowadays, 1 in 3 families are not "traditional". Never-married couples, cohabiting couples, lone mothers, and first-time marriages are about 92% of families. As recently as 1970 if an Irish woman got married, she could be forced to quit her job.In the Roman Catholic religion, they didn't believe in birth control or abortions, so women stayed home and had children. But since then, social, political, economic, and cultural changes have helped open up opportunities for women. Now, married women could work. The percentage of women in the workforce rose 11% in 10 years. Women in Ireland still get treated unequal to me. Men have many more job opportunities then women, especially in Parliament. Hopefully in the years to come, women get more equality and more options in Ireland.
Wade, Jennifer (2012, Mar, 19). Changing role of Irish women over past 50 years reflected in relationships. retrieved Sep 16 2013, from Web Site:
B., Austin (2009, Aug, 17). Women In Society: Ireland & Turkey. retrieved Sep 16 2013, from edu fire Web Site: