12/4/2013 11:52:20 am

Writing quality:5
Total 20/20

I really like your website about Ireland. As a matter of fact, I have curious about the country because I’m from Japan and the relationship between Ireland and Japan has been kept for over 50 years since March 5th 1957.
I’m interested in the story “Loss of Cultural Diversity in Ireland”. Irish and Ulster Scots are Ireland’s two smallest languages and they brought huge influence on their history. Then, the Ulster Scots language is more difficult and it led cultural threat to Ireland at that time. It made tendency that Irish didn’t like to accept immigrants. Especially, Protestants hated such immigrants because they believed their British were not admitted as an authority. As a result, Ireland’s cultural security became more conservative. I think it is similar to my country’s history because Japanese government tried to protect their traditional culture and style and they did not connect with other countries a moment of time in the past. That is why I can feel a sense of affinity to Ireland.
I think this website is really beautiful and easy to understand but it would be better to put more huge pictures.


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